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China is already the world's largest market for industrial robots. As labour costs continue to rise, the demand for robots in the country will be stronger. The country's agricultural sector is seen by some as a place where technologies can take root. A research institute and a startup, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Fujian Newland Era Hi-Tech Co Ltd, are determined to develop an agricultural robot.
The sensor-rich agricultural robot can move between two rows of chlorophyll in a greenhouse, collect data on the plants and return them to the control room. The robot, suitable for 5G, is equipped with two 5 megapixel cameras as "eyes". With sensors at the top of its head and mouth, the robot can also detect wind speeds, carbon dioxide, humidity, temperature and other data about the natural environment of the greenhouse.
The largest supermarket in the Netherlands now has a robot delivering orders to customers. This is a trial by Albert Heijn at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven.
Customers place their orders via an app. The groceries are placed in the robot by employees, who then drive to the right place with the help of cameras and sensors. Customers still have to go outside to pick up the groceries from the trolley.
Vacuum cleaner manufacturer iRobot will focus on a new area: educational robots. They have acquired Root Robotics. Root is a fun and easy-to-use educational robot that teaches children up to high school coding, creativity and problem solving skills. iRobot plans to include the Root robot in its growing portfolio of educational robot products.
A new social robot has been brought into use by the University Hospital of Brussels. The robot will inform and guide patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes. The robot provides a personal approach and can respond to children's emotions.
Robot James, developed by Zora Robotics, will be tested by the Belgian Ziekenfonds Bond Moyson. Bond Moyson aims to promote the physical, psychological and social well-being of its clients.
Ford and robot maker Agility Robotics are working on a concept with which a self-propelled car in combination with the two-legged robot Digit will deliver our packages at home in the future. Digit can lift up to 18 kilos and climb stairs.
Robotmaker Anki is bankrupt and has almost 200 employees on the street. Anki became known for the robots that could be operated with a mobile device. Cozmo and Vector are the two best known examples, but also the Overdrive is from Anki.
Anki made robots like the Overdrive, Cosmo and Vector. After a financial deal was cancelled at the last minute, the company got into trouble. CEO Boris Sofman informed his staff about the closure on Monday. Employees receive another week's salary, after which they will have to look for another job.
Cleaning the pool is a time-consuming job? No, you don't. Not with a pool robot. Such an automatic pool cleaner relieves you of this annoying chore. She does the work for you without you having to worry about it. Read below the 6 conveniences of a pool robot.
The Netherlands has a European first: a robot that is active in an office environment and can itself reach other floors via the lift. It is a Relay delivery robot that Sodexo uses in the office of their client Aegon in The Hague. For example, the delivery robot brings sandwiches and drinks from the restaurant to the meeting room on another floor
Taking care of a pet can be difficult for seniors who suffer from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia and are forced to depend on others for their own daily affairs. When a live pet or emotional support animal is no longer safe or practical, Tombot can provide a viable option to enrich the lives of seniors. Tombot’s robot Puppy can be an invaluable tool for increasing social engagement in the elderly, and for redirecting “challenging" behaviors.
The Tokyo Organisation announced the launch of its new Tokyo 2020 Robot Project, one of many programmes aimed at ensuring the Tokyo 2020 Games will be the most innovative ever. This project will not simply be about exhibiting robots, but showcasing their practical real-life deployment helping people.
Human Support Robot (HSR)
Human Support Robot and Delivery Support Robot developed by Toyota Motor Corporation will allow all spectators to enjoy watching the Tokyo 2020 Games in greater comfort. The robots will provide assistance to spectators in wheelchairs at the Olympic Stadium by carrying food and other goods, guiding people to their seats, and providing event information.
Furhat has made commitment that social robots should not only give keynotes on stages but also be put in the hands of developers, as soon as possible. One of the examples is Petra.
PETRA: the world's first health pre-screening robot
Together with Merck Pharmaceuticals, the developed PETRA, a medical screening robot. The idea is to use Petra for medical screening. The friendly-looking robot seeks interaction to give an indication of the medical condition. Besides the fact that this is necessary in many countries, a robot also regularly reduces the distance to discuss difficult subjects. We have also seen this before in pilots in obese children.
Jibo, 'the first social robot for home with its own "character", stops. Jibo was introduced in 2014 and was designed by Cynthia Breazeal, head of the Personal Robots Group of the MIT Media Lab. Breazeal is a pioneer in the field of social robotics and communication between people and robots. She said at the time that she hoped Jibo would be part of the family. "Jibo is different from other gadgets, because it treats you like a human," she said.
MIT’s new mini cheetah robot is springy and light on its feet, with a range of motion that rivals a champion gymnast. The four-legged powerpack can bend and swing its legs wide, enabling it to walk either right-side up or upside down. The robot can also trot over uneven terrain about twice as fast as an average person’s walking speed.
Perhaps most impressive is its ability to perform a 360-degree backflip from a standing position. Researchers claim the mini cheetah is designed to be “virtually indestructible,” recovering with little damage
Robotdog race
“Eventually, I’m hoping we could have a robotic dog race through an obstacle course, where each team controls a mini cheetah with different algorithms, and we can see which strategy is more effective. That’s how you accelerate research.”
Parcel delivery company Fedex will test a delivery robot on the last mile in the United States. The so-called 'SameDay Bot' will eventually have to deliver parcels from local FedEx distribution points to consumers at the door. The remarkable thing about this robot is that it can drive up curbs and climb stairs.
Japanese start-up Mira Robotics develops robots that can be hired to help especially elderly people with their domestic needs, such as hanging up the laundry.
The remotely controlled robot "Ugo" is able to remove the laundry from the washing machine, place it in a basket, hang it on a line and fold it up when it is dry. He uses his arms and adjusts his height to the task. For orientation, he uses three cameras and communicates via microphone and Wi-Fi connection.
The many videos with bloopers prove that walking is not easy for a robot. Fortunately, there are companies that focus on this element of robotics, such as Agility Robotics.
Under the leadership of Dr. Liu Rong, doctors in China have successfully completed the world's first remote operation using 5G technology. The technique was tested in Fujian Province on a pig and used state-of-the-art technology.
Doctor Liu Rong was able to remotely control robot arms via a 5G connection in a hospital 50 kilometers away for removing the liver of a pig in less than ten minutes. Thanks to the 5G technology, the doctor could see a clear real-time picture of the operation and at the same time communicate with his assistants.
Sphero's RVR robotcar is a programmable robot. Directly from the box to control, equipped with a varied range of sensors, and built for customization.
Programmable robot car
RVR is more than just a fun, programmable robot - it is also highly adaptable. Spero have added some incredible features that open up a world of possibilities for hackers, teachers, students, technical hobbyists and anyone ready to take it to the next level. With a universal expansion port and on-board power supply, you can connect and use third-party hardware such as a Raspberry Pi, BBC micro:bit or Arduino.
Through an innovation patented technology, you write the perfect letter with the Sqriba. The movement of the pen automatically teaches you the perfect handwriting, from the beginning Writing is a complex combination of movement and visual feedback, and for this reason there is a screen that gives you constant feedback. All you have to do is hold the pen and the Sqriba will do the rest. Everyone experiences the Sqriba as fun.
Page 2 of 7, showing 20 record(s) out of 121 total