Smart speakers with screen


Smart speakers with a screen in your home that you can talk to. It answers your questions, plays your music, manages your calendar and your email. When you combine it with the possibilities of home automation, it can even control the smart lighting and the like.

Examples of smart speakers with screen

The best known examples are the smart speakers with screen from Google and Amazon. The smart speaker with screen from Google is also available in Dutch. This gives extra....Read more

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Text for Smart speakers with screen

Smart speakers with a screen in your home that you can talk to. It answers your questions, plays your music, manages your calendar and your email. When you combine it with the possibilities of home automation, it can even control the smart lighting and the like.

Examples of smart speakers with screen

The best known examples are the smart speakers with screen from Google and Amazon. The smart speaker with screen from Google is also available in Dutch. This gives extra possibilities to show search results with for example a weblink and visually supported news items.

The smart speakers with screen in the office

The smart speakers with screen are beginning to find their place in more and more offices. To make work more efficient, to receive guests, to play music or to show videos.

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Smart speakers with screen

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