FURo-i Smart Home Robot

The FURo-i is a robot for consumers that enables them to be present remotely. For example, to support friends and family or to see how the pets keep themselves.

Home View

This function, common to telepresence robots, lets you determine what you want to see, when you want to see what, and allows you to move the robot around. You don't have to make an appointment; you can move to members of your family just as you would if you were there personally.

Family planner

FURo Planner mode helps you set up and maintain your daily schedule. You can manage appointments and set alarms and reminders for the various tasks you need to perform all day long. The application features unique logos for various tasks to make the experience even more efficient and enjoyable.

Home Control

You can securely connect your FURo-i to your devices and manage them remotely. Turn the lights off, turn off the music, and turn off the TV. You can lower the temperature even further, check the humidity in your home and see if doors or windows are open. Of course, this feature requires compatible devices.

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Furo-I Home desktoprobotFuro-I Home desktoprobot.jpg
Furo-I Home desktoprobotFuro-I Home desktoprobot.jpg

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