Robot dans nos vies, un aperçu et les dernières nouvelles sur les robots personnels. Animaux robots, robots jouets, robots d'entretien ménager, robots contrôlables, robots de soins de santé et humanoïdes. Robots personnels et robotique l'Internet et les ordinateurs du futur ? Les développements sont rapides lorsque vous suivez l'actualité de notre robot. Suivez le robot pendant qu'il se déplace.

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SpaceX, the space company, has commissioned NASA to launch a robot with artificial intelligence to the ISS space station. The CIMON (Crew Interactive Mobile Companion) spherical robot has a large screen with a drawn face. With fourteen propellers, CIMON can move itself through the weightless space station.
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LG has invested 78 million euro in robotics start-ups. The investment is part of LG's ThinQ AI strategy and the company promises that more investments will follow.
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Texte pour Robots

Robot dans nos vies, un aperçu et les dernières nouvelles sur les robots personnels. Animaux robots, robots jouets, robots d'entretien ménager, robots contrôlables, robots de soins de santé et humanoïdes. Robots personnels et robotique l'Internet et les ordinateurs du futur ? Les développements sont rapides lorsque vous suivez l'actualité de notre robot. Suivez le robot pendant qu'il se déplace.

Dernières 10 nouvelles à propos de Robots

SpaceX, the space company, has commissioned NASA to launch a robot with artificial intelligence to the ISS space station. The CIMON (Crew Interactive Mobile Companion) spherical robot has a large screen with a drawn face. With fourteen propellers, CIMON can move itself through the weightless space station.
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LG has invested 78 million euro in robotics start-ups. The investment is part of LG's ThinQ AI strategy and the company promises that more investments will follow.
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San Marino was the first country to add a robot to its act at the Eurovision song festival. During the song Who We Are by Jessika feat. Jenifer Brening we see 4 NAO robots accompanying the singer with dance and entertainment.
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Boston Dynamics has shown a new robot. Unlike robots that the company previously made, now with wheels that are attached to the legs.
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Robot helps in the fight against ebola. "In the state of Texas, a robot is being used to kill all kinds of bacteria with ultraviolet radiation. The robot is currently used to clean rooms in more than 250 hospitals in the United States. The robot does the preliminary work, after which an employee of the hospital can safely carry out the other cleaning. The development and use of robots is currently the subject of much debate. A few examples where the usefulness of robots is clear.
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Every year, the latest electronics and robotics are presented at the CES. The fair gives a foretaste of what to expect in the coming year. We have listed a number of interesting robots for you. If you want to follow the latest development, please visit our Twitter channel with the latest news from the CES 2018.
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Every year, the CES displays the latest electronic devices and robots. Honda has already let go of a foretaste. With the Concept '3E: Empower, Experience, Empathy' Honda wants to show new robot concepts at the trade show in Las
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MIT researchers have developed a system to teach robots context. This allowed a test robot to correctly process ninety percent of complex commands.
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According to Bloomberg technology, Amazon is working on a robot, codenamed De Vesta, for the home. Little is known yet about what the robot could do. According to some, it should make sure that Amazon's clever assistant, Alexa, gets to follow you when you go to a room without a smart speaker.
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Le Forum économique mondial prévoit, sur la base d'entretiens avec des directeurs d'entreprises membres, que d'ici 2025, 52 pour cent de tout le travail sera entre les mains de machines programmables. À l'heure actuelle, environ 29 p. 100 de tout le travail est effectué par des robots. Dans le même temps, il est possible que les développements rapides dans le domaine des TIC créent quelque 133 millions de nouveaux emplois en 2022. Ils remplaceront 75 millions d'emplois qui disparaîtront. Le WEF conseille aux gouvernements d'anticiper dès maintenant ces prévisions et de recycler rapidement les employés des secteurs à risque.
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