
Robot CIMON launched by space X

SpaceX, the space company, has commissioned NASA to launch a robot with artificial intelligence to the ISS space station. The CIMON (Crew Interactive Mobile Companion) spherical robot has a large screen with a drawn face. With fourteen propellers, CIMON can move itself through the weightless space station.

Robots in space

CIMON was developed by Airbus for the German space research centre DLR. The robot runs on artificial intelligence of IBM.

Astronauts will soon be able to call CIMON to ask the robot questions or issue commands. The experiment will show whether intelligent robots can make the work of astronauts easier and whether the collaboration between man and robot in space runs smoothly.

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Robot CIMON gelanceerd door space XRobot CIMON gelanceerd door space X.jpg
Robot CIMON gelanceerd door space XRobot CIMON gelanceerd door space X.jpg

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