Google is an Alphabet search engine for documents on the worldwide web, founded in 1997 by two PhD students at Standford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Page and Brin had spent two years working on an advanced method for finding information on the Internet. Soon Google replaced AltaVista and became the world's most popular search engine. Users were satisfied with the search results and their presentation: on a quiet page, without the screaming ads seen on many other search engines. The name is a corruption of the term 'googol', the indication for a 1 with one hundred zeros (10100). Page is fascinated by mathematics, and the reference to this number reflects the company's mission to make all the information in the world accessible and useful. The name eventually became 'Google' due to a spelling error of Sean Anderson, co-inventor of the name, and at the time a fellow student of Page.
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Want jbfihd fugh dhgidug hidh di hgdi hfgiuhdfiu ghdfiuhgi h

Omdat ik zeg knjfgaoijg psithpwi uhtg piuthgpwi uhwpi hwerpi g ns

Omdat ik zeg knjfgaoijg psithpwi uhtg piuthgpwi uhwpi hwerpi g ns
Google makes these types
Humanoid Robots
Humanoid the human robot. Developments go fast. The human-robot as a teacher or model with sensitive sensors. The appearance of a human being is often pursued in order to familiarise people with the robot.
Humanoid robots have many tasks
A humanoid robot can perform many tasks. Of course, as a buddy or friend, but also in education, the humanoid is on the rise. It remains to be seen to what extent humanoids will assist us in and around the house. However, there are plenty of developments that indicate that the humanoid will take over tasks from the human being.
Development of humanoids, human robots
The humanoid is, of course, the robot that comes closest to humans. There are already applications as a model, teacher or robot baby. Some humanoids approach the appearance of a human being very strongly and discussions about whether a humanoid can become a life partner are in full swing. It remains to be seen what social role the human robot will play, but it is certainly interesting to follow the developments.
Smart Speakers
Smart speakers in your home that you can talk to. The device answers your questions, plays your music, manages your calendar and your e-mail. When you combine it with the possibilities of home automation, it can even control the smart lighting and the like.
Examples of the smart speakers
The best known examples are the smart speakers of Google and Amazon. The smart speaker from Google is also available in Dutch.
The smart speakers in the office
The smart speaker is beginning to find its place in more and more offices. To make work more efficient, to receive guests or to play music.