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Boston Dynamics has shown a new robot. Unlike robots that the company previously made, now with wheels that are attached to the legs.

Dubai doesn't shy away from modern technology. For example, the fire brigade has water jet packs to fight fires from the air and the police in Lamborghini drive with crime prevention software. Now the next step is taken: robocops. The Dubai police recently started using the human-like REEM robot, developed by the Spanish company Pal Robotics. However, this RoboCop is less spectacular than the cyborg from the science fiction film of the same name. REEM does not take to the streets heavily armed to track down and eliminate criminals. This robot helps citizens to file a report, pay fines and provide general information.

Every year, the latest electronics and robotics are presented at the CES. The fair gives a foretaste of what to expect in the coming year. We have listed a number of interesting robots for you. If you want to follow the latest development, please visit our Twitter channel with the latest news from the CES 2018.

San Marino was the first country to add a robot to its act at the Eurovision song festival. During the song Who We Are by Jessika feat. Jenifer Brening we see 4 NAO robots accompanying the singer with dance and entertainment.

The robot was built at the University of Tokyo. The makers made sure that he looked like a human being as much as possible. He has a skeleton, muscles and even a kind of nervous system. The researchers claim that these two robots, called Kenshiro and Kengoro, are the most anatomically correct robots to date. That may well be true.

During an interview on stage in Saudi Arabia, Robot Sophia, Hanson robotics, shows that she is surprisingly human in her expression and her answers. When asked whether robots could have human consciousness and whether they should have, Sophia did not immediately give clear answers. "Why? Is that bad", she asked evasively? When the question was repeated, Sophia once again answered with a question again.

LG has invested 78 million euro in robotics start-ups. The investment is part of LG's ThinQ AI strategy and the company promises that more investments will follow.

SpaceX, the space company, has commissioned NASA to launch a robot with artificial intelligence to the ISS space station. The CIMON (Crew Interactive Mobile Companion) spherical robot has a large screen with a drawn face. With fourteen propellers, CIMON can move itself through the weightless space station.

Honda has announced that it will stop developing Asimo. In 2000, the android robot was the first machine that could move on two legs without tripping, thus representing a major breakthrough in robotic motor skills. Later on, the robot also acquired the ability to recognize objects and voices and to move autonomously.

You can not visit a conference, or the Japanese robot Pepper will pop up. Research by Swedish Örebro University shows that there are all kinds of fundamental security problems with Pepper. Work at the store for producer Softbank Robotics.

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