Lego Mindstorms EV3 robotkit

Mindstorms EV3 est le kit robot de 3e génération de Lego. EV3 offre de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités visant la vitesse, la puissance, la programmation intelligente et la communication avec le robot.

The new EV3 system

The system is built around a series of new sensors and programmable intelligent building blocks, each of which controls a different motor, sensor or screen. These stones can be used to program, among other things, how a robot should move. The Mindstorms EV3 platform contains sensors that can detect multiple colors, or the absence of color.

Program it yourself

Lego Mindstorms EV3 makes programmable robots easier than ever. For example, the Mindstorms EV3 can be programmed to navigate along an obstacle course or to attack an object it has signalled. The software to program a robot is included. Attention is also paid to simple programming because building blocks that have been added are automatically recognized. The basic set offered by Lego includes 12 instructions for different robot models.

Which models can be built

Mindstorms EV3 can be used to build the following robots, among other things:

Roboth dog, puppy
A kind of tank, Track3r
A robotic arm, RoboArm
A robot spider that can fire balls, Spik3r
A robot hose, R3ptar
A robot male, GyroBoy
A moving robot, Gripp3r

Development with the help of the community

Not only has the new Mindstorms EV3 version been developed with the help of input from the community. Lego also hopes that the community will come up with many new designs that they will share with each other. This development can be seen in many robots. Provide the hardware community (building blocks) and let the development of applications and software come from the users!

EV3 as a learning resource for children

Lego has discussed with more than 800 teachers around the world the conditions that are important for using Mindstorms in robotics education. In addition to practical requirements such as building a robot in 1 lesson, the main aim is to teach children how to get started quickly. This uses accessible devices that use Android or IOS.

The new EV3 software follows the latest developments in the field of intuitive software, resulting in a very user-friendly interface. It comes with 48 step-by-step video manuals based on instructions. Students can now build and program a fully-functioning robot in a 45-minute lesson.

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Lego Mindstorms EV3 robotkit

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